It is the Tuesday morning after the long weekend and the house is quiet. PJ and Tee have gone to work and I am getting ready soon to start my day as well. The long Canada Day weekend was glorious. PJ and I invited his brother and his wife and PJ's sister and her husband for the celebration on Sunday afternoon. It was really fun to see them again since we do not get together often. We also were expecting the usual gang of Tee's and Coco's friends that attend our long weekend bonfires throughout the summer. One particular couple were bringing new baby, Cheeky Pie, for the first time. Cheeky Pie is so named due to her enormous cheeks, brilliant blue eyes and constant grin. This kid is happy to sit with anyone, chatter to everyone and giggle and smile at anything that passes her line of sight. She was the star of the day and we so loved having her come see us. She acquired a few new "aunts" and posed for a commemorative pic with her red cowboy hat! Too cute for words.
Prior to the weekend, we were trying to think of something that would kind of bring the group together so I decided to try a Canadiana quiz. I researched a lot of facts about Canada and threw in a few fakes. We got some goofy "prizes" from the dollar store and I am pretty sure everyone went home with something. I will publish a bunch over the next few writings so you can test your Canadian knowledge. Here is the first group:
1) The border between Canada and the U.S. is the longest border between two nations. Is it:
A - 7425 miles
B - 5525 miles or
C - 3752 miles
2) What year was the current Canadian flag adopted by Parliament?
A - 1958
B - 1960 or
C - 1965
3) Canada is the second largest country in the world. What is the first?
4) What year did Newfoundland become a province?
5) True or False - Canadians, on average, live longer than Americans.
6) What is Canada's official sport? (Hint: It's not what you think!)
7) True or False - Basketball was invented by a Canadian.
That is just a sampling for today. Here are the answers:
1 - B, 2 - C, 3 - Russia, 4 - 1949, 5 - T (81 yrs vs. 78 yrs), 6 - Lacrosse, 7 - T
I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. We had a few fireworks after the sun went down and a little bonfire, as per usual. It was a great night for it.
I also wanted to say thanks to Big Daddy for his sweet surprise that night too. Love those dimples; another one who is too cute for words.
Love from Lulu xxxxxxxx
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Living in the era of TMI
I was somewhat saddened to see a post on Facebook a couple of days ago declaring, "It's a girl!" I was not saddened to see that the new baby is a girl, but that the parents chose to have that info disclosed to them by the scan tech. You see the baby is not born yet, so any excitement of the speculation of blue or pink has been dashed. The couple, T & C, who already have the handsomest little man in town with the sharpest blue eyes I have ever seen, are excited about their new coming arrival. T is one of the bevy of beautiful girls that work with Coco at the daycare and everyone is very happy about the new baby, but I am of the old school that says you wait til the day to find out. With both of my kids, there were tantalizingly long months of speculation, measuring, eyeing, groping and even the spinning wedding ring during my pregnancies and everyone had an opinion. My father dreamt of a blue blanket and was absolutely positive that Coco was to be a boy, although, his "wee Coco" was his pride and joy. My mother waffled between the sexes depending on how I looked any particular day. A friend was positive I was carrying a girl based on the size of my butt and another friend was equally positive it was a boy because I carried low. Two of my cousins, sisters, were also pregnant so it was a high time for the guessers that year. And like I said, everyone had an opinion. I even dreamt that my older cousin was going to deliver on the 14 of February, which was actually my due date - Coco decided not to come til March 5! The funny thing was that my cousin actually delivered on the 14th, but January instead.
When I was pregnant with Tee, the speculators were on a bender again. By this time my dad was gone, but Mom made up for it. She was absolutely sure it was another girl. Even Coco was old enough to enjoy the wait and the suspense of not knowing. She used to sing about "her" baby. I don't recall her having an opinion on whether it would be a boy or a girl, but I know that when he arrived she was thrilled to be the first to see him, bragging that "I saw him before Gran and Daddy! He's HUGE!" Not only was he a boy, but a very big one at that! He also was very content where he was and did not have any intention of stirring from his cozy hibernation, so, after nearly a month of waiting, the doctors decided that we had to go Caesarian. Thank goodness; he was over 10 lbs! I often wonder if that was what set the stage for his great love of his bed to this day, sleeping around the clock if given the opportunity.
Back in my day, the surprise at the end of it all was worth it, but I will say my heartiest congratulations and all my best wishes to my friends, T & C, and I look forward to meeting the little blue eyed boy's new sister!
Love from Lulu xxxxxx
When I was pregnant with Tee, the speculators were on a bender again. By this time my dad was gone, but Mom made up for it. She was absolutely sure it was another girl. Even Coco was old enough to enjoy the wait and the suspense of not knowing. She used to sing about "her" baby. I don't recall her having an opinion on whether it would be a boy or a girl, but I know that when he arrived she was thrilled to be the first to see him, bragging that "I saw him before Gran and Daddy! He's HUGE!" Not only was he a boy, but a very big one at that! He also was very content where he was and did not have any intention of stirring from his cozy hibernation, so, after nearly a month of waiting, the doctors decided that we had to go Caesarian. Thank goodness; he was over 10 lbs! I often wonder if that was what set the stage for his great love of his bed to this day, sleeping around the clock if given the opportunity.
Back in my day, the surprise at the end of it all was worth it, but I will say my heartiest congratulations and all my best wishes to my friends, T & C, and I look forward to meeting the little blue eyed boy's new sister!
Love from Lulu xxxxxx
Monday, 27 May 2013
Butterfly Kisses
I am sure that many of you know this song. It was very popular a few years ago by some country singer (sorry, I'm not a follower). And I am also sure that at least one of you knows (Coco, are you paying attention?) how much I hate that song. I despise it and must change the channel if I hear it on the radio or tv. Now, what you don't know is WHY I hate that song. Every time I hear it, I cry uncontrollably. It makes me think of my little doll when she was younger and how I miss those days. Possibly becuz I wish I knew then what I know now and how I would have done things very differently. I was a working mom from the time she was 4 months old til she was 8, when we moved up here. During that time I also was going to night school at least 1 night a week, often 2, so there were many nights that I missed out saying goodnight. There was also missed opportunities for us to spend real girl time together. Not to say it didn't happen. My mom reaped the benefit of that, spending many Saturdays with Coco, riding the subway, shopping and going out for lunches. They were a great team. When I was studying and PJ was working a Saturday, Coco and Mom would take off for the day. To this day, I really am not sure where all they went! LOL Anyway, I have said all that to say that no mom does it perfectly and even Martha Stewart made mistakes, I am sure. It doesn't really matter if there are nannies and private schools and wealth, or just day to day working parents, everyone can be a star and I believe that every mother has certain regrets about things she would have changed. An older mom once said that she thought she did a good job bringing up her numerous kids "cuz none of them are in jail"! Wow, there's a standard! When the bar is set that low, everyone is a winner.
So, moms, and would-be moms, don't spend any time fretting over what you shoulda or coulda done. Kids are very resilient; they learn what they live and if you do your best to raise them with love and encouragement and guidance and morals, then you've done all you can. I wish I could say that I did that every day but I didn't. I made lots of mistakes that can never be taken back, unfortunately. But my kids still turned out okay, remarkably, some might even say extraordinary. And I love them more than anything else.
But please don't play that song.
Love from Lulu xxxxxxx
So, moms, and would-be moms, don't spend any time fretting over what you shoulda or coulda done. Kids are very resilient; they learn what they live and if you do your best to raise them with love and encouragement and guidance and morals, then you've done all you can. I wish I could say that I did that every day but I didn't. I made lots of mistakes that can never be taken back, unfortunately. But my kids still turned out okay, remarkably, some might even say extraordinary. And I love them more than anything else.
But please don't play that song.
Love from Lulu xxxxxxx
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Please hold...............
I am not happy. I was just re-routed to another Bell service rep only to be cut off. The first rep took about 35 min to answer then he sent me to another rep which after waiting for about 10 min, clicked off and I got the busy signal. !?@!??!*&?!! BTW, have you heard their insipid "hold" muzak? UGH!
PJ and I are at a cross roads. We both have cell phones; his is a work based, mine is a personal, so we are really having some tough discussions about whether or not to retain our house phone. My cell provides all the same services that the house phone does at a lesser cost and even if he loses his phone (if and when he retires), we can still do a family plan and he will have a personal one attached to my bill.
Here is the dilemma: We have our Internet service and our TV service bundled with the phone service, so does that mean that our bundling discount will be invalidated? And if so, should we consider something else? Or if they reduced our phone service charges to something ridiculously cheap, should we still retain the house phone? OH, it is all just too much for me to think about.
The funny thing is that we never had so many things to consider over the past few years as we seem to have this year! Will PJ retire? Or will they make it too desirable for him to go? Also, our 40th anniversary will be happening on the 3rd of November this year, but he will also be celebrating his 65th bday on the 3rd of December. What to do? A combined celebration somewhere in the middle? Or a tropical beach getaway? Or maybe just a quiet family do? We are also considering a new vehicle - my divine heap is 10 years old now and worth not much more than the paper that the ownership is written on; his is a newer truck that can still fetch a decent trade-in value, so do we trade up? Or just keep it? Like I said, it is just all too much for me right now. I just want to enjoy my summer! Lounging in the pool, planting my garden, hosting BBQ parties, going on our annual shopping excursion to Penn!
The weather is finally becoming summer-like and we have been out on the deck a couple of nights. We have also been enjoying the "boys of summer", my fabulous Blue Jays. One of the most endearing memories I have is the sound of a baseball game on the radio on a hot summer afternoon while my parents were bbqing in the backyard. It is like the onslaught of 60's Beach Boys music that would be filtering out of every car window beginning in July (pre factory-installed air conditioning as a standard option). Ahhh, the good old days. I also cannot pass a rose bush without smelling it to re-live the scent of my mom's gorgeous red rose climbers that surrounded their front door. I think as Canadians, we survived the winter just to be able to experience the wonders of the new summer each year. Those long, lazy summer vacations from school, when we thought that 2 months was more like 2 years; the oh-so-horrendous summer camps that meant being separated from your best friend (or summer love interest) for 2 whole weeks; the relatives that came for the week (or 2) that wanted to visit every tourist trap in Toronto; the week that we got to go to the cottage (a rental - different place every year) and spend the day in the lake and the night swatting mosquitos! I wish we could have really drunk in those days and absorbed every smell and taste but they were fleeting and gone too quickly and there was always "next" summer.
Love from Lulu, xxxxxxxx
PJ and I are at a cross roads. We both have cell phones; his is a work based, mine is a personal, so we are really having some tough discussions about whether or not to retain our house phone. My cell provides all the same services that the house phone does at a lesser cost and even if he loses his phone (if and when he retires), we can still do a family plan and he will have a personal one attached to my bill.
Here is the dilemma: We have our Internet service and our TV service bundled with the phone service, so does that mean that our bundling discount will be invalidated? And if so, should we consider something else? Or if they reduced our phone service charges to something ridiculously cheap, should we still retain the house phone? OH, it is all just too much for me to think about.
The funny thing is that we never had so many things to consider over the past few years as we seem to have this year! Will PJ retire? Or will they make it too desirable for him to go? Also, our 40th anniversary will be happening on the 3rd of November this year, but he will also be celebrating his 65th bday on the 3rd of December. What to do? A combined celebration somewhere in the middle? Or a tropical beach getaway? Or maybe just a quiet family do? We are also considering a new vehicle - my divine heap is 10 years old now and worth not much more than the paper that the ownership is written on; his is a newer truck that can still fetch a decent trade-in value, so do we trade up? Or just keep it? Like I said, it is just all too much for me right now. I just want to enjoy my summer! Lounging in the pool, planting my garden, hosting BBQ parties, going on our annual shopping excursion to Penn!
The weather is finally becoming summer-like and we have been out on the deck a couple of nights. We have also been enjoying the "boys of summer", my fabulous Blue Jays. One of the most endearing memories I have is the sound of a baseball game on the radio on a hot summer afternoon while my parents were bbqing in the backyard. It is like the onslaught of 60's Beach Boys music that would be filtering out of every car window beginning in July (pre factory-installed air conditioning as a standard option). Ahhh, the good old days. I also cannot pass a rose bush without smelling it to re-live the scent of my mom's gorgeous red rose climbers that surrounded their front door. I think as Canadians, we survived the winter just to be able to experience the wonders of the new summer each year. Those long, lazy summer vacations from school, when we thought that 2 months was more like 2 years; the oh-so-horrendous summer camps that meant being separated from your best friend (or summer love interest) for 2 whole weeks; the relatives that came for the week (or 2) that wanted to visit every tourist trap in Toronto; the week that we got to go to the cottage (a rental - different place every year) and spend the day in the lake and the night swatting mosquitos! I wish we could have really drunk in those days and absorbed every smell and taste but they were fleeting and gone too quickly and there was always "next" summer.
Love from Lulu, xxxxxxxx
Monday, 20 May 2013
My Recent Absence
I got a scolding from Coco the other day about not posting to my blog and that she has been periodically checking and not seeing any new items, so I thought it best to explain a few things. I also thought it was kind of cute that she was following my posts. Anyway, I have not been in the greatest of moods lately because although I had initially great success at my weight loss project, it has now stalled out and I am, frankly, a little ticked off about the whole thing. I have been very conscious of my food choices over the last 3 months and have been eating the "good" foods in abundance. Yes, we have had an occasional chinese food buffet and 1 or 2 pizzas, but overall, I am eating primarily whole foods, veg and chicken and fish. I am currently, officially, 1 lb. less than when starting, which means that I actually re-gained 7 of the first 8 lbs. lost. Great!#@!!@##!
Now, let's move on to more fun stuff! We had our Annual May 24 Weekend Start the Summer bonfire on Saturday. It was so nice to be able to sit outside and enjoy the evening. Many of T's and Coco's friends came over, which was wonderful. I also was finally privileged to meet Coco's new boy, Big Daddy. He is wonderfully attentive to her and has a quietly sweet way. He also has the most shocking blue eyes that immediately draw your attention. I just have to get him to shave off that beard so I can see the dimples next! LOL
I had a little catch up with Barbie, who has been having some personal problems. Sadly, she has had to deal with some really hard decisions of late and hopefully, things will turn around very soon. I wish nothing but the best to her and her gorgeous family. I also was surprised to find out that one of T's close friends and his gf had moved. Those two are doing great and have a great future ahead of them. Another of T's friends, who calls himself "Moves" (a reference I think, to his dancing skills LOL) serenaded us with his super guitar skills with a guitar provided by his band mate, the "other" T, the one almost as cute as my T. We did have a bit of an emergency when Muffin's friend, Star, tripped and sat on a wine glass. Incredibly, it sliced right through her skirt and created a profusely bleeding gash on her left butt cheek. Coco and Muffin made the decision to send her to emerg for stitches but who could drive her as we had all had more than a few drinks? Thankfully, another friend had not had anything to drink as yet and so whisked Star off for 25+ stitches and staples. :( Poor thing, we heard she was pretty sore yesterday.
PJ was away this weekend with his golf buddy down to Ohio. I was so glad to see him go since he has not been golfing for a couple of years due to a shoulder injury. They had been talking about going for a few years and PJ just could not do it last year, so I am hoping they are enjoying themselves. He is due back today. Now, I just have to figure out how to explain the bloodstains on the step!
Love to all, Lulu xxxxx
Now, let's move on to more fun stuff! We had our Annual May 24 Weekend Start the Summer bonfire on Saturday. It was so nice to be able to sit outside and enjoy the evening. Many of T's and Coco's friends came over, which was wonderful. I also was finally privileged to meet Coco's new boy, Big Daddy. He is wonderfully attentive to her and has a quietly sweet way. He also has the most shocking blue eyes that immediately draw your attention. I just have to get him to shave off that beard so I can see the dimples next! LOL
I had a little catch up with Barbie, who has been having some personal problems. Sadly, she has had to deal with some really hard decisions of late and hopefully, things will turn around very soon. I wish nothing but the best to her and her gorgeous family. I also was surprised to find out that one of T's close friends and his gf had moved. Those two are doing great and have a great future ahead of them. Another of T's friends, who calls himself "Moves" (a reference I think, to his dancing skills LOL) serenaded us with his super guitar skills with a guitar provided by his band mate, the "other" T, the one almost as cute as my T. We did have a bit of an emergency when Muffin's friend, Star, tripped and sat on a wine glass. Incredibly, it sliced right through her skirt and created a profusely bleeding gash on her left butt cheek. Coco and Muffin made the decision to send her to emerg for stitches but who could drive her as we had all had more than a few drinks? Thankfully, another friend had not had anything to drink as yet and so whisked Star off for 25+ stitches and staples. :( Poor thing, we heard she was pretty sore yesterday.
PJ was away this weekend with his golf buddy down to Ohio. I was so glad to see him go since he has not been golfing for a couple of years due to a shoulder injury. They had been talking about going for a few years and PJ just could not do it last year, so I am hoping they are enjoying themselves. He is due back today. Now, I just have to figure out how to explain the bloodstains on the step!
Love to all, Lulu xxxxx
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Spring???? I don't think so!
Don't worry, I am still here. Yes, I know it has been too long since I have written and I really have no excuse other than the fact that winter is lasting far too long and I am so anxious for spring. And Mother Nature is playing tricks with the weather! We had a few days of warm sunshine and higher temps only to be accosted by more snowy days again and again. My front lawn is still completely covered in snow and I am soooo over it. Being encouraged by that little spat of warm days, I bought some new seeds for my garden this year. I really want to extend the garden and have some ideas about some new areas as well. The seeds are a rather unique radish that is called watermelon radish as it is white on the outside and bright red on the inside and some lovely green peas. I can't wait to get out there to get my gardens started and I am envisioning where I will plant everything. I have a rectangular shaped plot on the south side of the garage that gets sun all day and so have always planted tomatoes there. I would like to enlarge that area but I still need to keep it to the plants that like the all day sun. I would also like to create a plot under our bedroom window which will have some shade from the tree growing there but will still have lots of sun as well in the afternoon. Not sure what to put there. I also want to create a sunflower "wall" with some lattice that could also support some morning glories. I just have to wait until I can actually put some of these ideas in action. Hopefully, soon!
So here is the bad news: I went to the doc's today and discovered that I have gained 5 lbs. WHAT????? Yep, it is true and I am not happy about it. Not sure what my strategy will be to counteract this but I am defo considering vegetarianism (at least for lunches). I can't wait to get out to work on my garden and I am sure that this will be an esteem boost whenever the snow is gone. I know that I must be smart enough to get past this hurdle and move forward. Thankfully, PJ is so supportive and has suggested some ideas to get past this. Don't know what I would do without my fam to support me in everything I do. Even when I am not so successful, I can still rely on PJ and Coco to encourage and boost me through the bad times. Tee is not so involved but he is still my cheerleader when I am down.
Now I need to buck up and do the right thing. Stop fooling around and get to it!
God bless those who stick with me. I appreciate your being there.
Stay tuned!
Love from Lulu xxxxxx
So here is the bad news: I went to the doc's today and discovered that I have gained 5 lbs. WHAT????? Yep, it is true and I am not happy about it. Not sure what my strategy will be to counteract this but I am defo considering vegetarianism (at least for lunches). I can't wait to get out to work on my garden and I am sure that this will be an esteem boost whenever the snow is gone. I know that I must be smart enough to get past this hurdle and move forward. Thankfully, PJ is so supportive and has suggested some ideas to get past this. Don't know what I would do without my fam to support me in everything I do. Even when I am not so successful, I can still rely on PJ and Coco to encourage and boost me through the bad times. Tee is not so involved but he is still my cheerleader when I am down.
Now I need to buck up and do the right thing. Stop fooling around and get to it!
God bless those who stick with me. I appreciate your being there.
Stay tuned!
Love from Lulu xxxxxx
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
WHOO HOO! The Good News
My last rendezvous with my doc was not exactly, shall we say, happy. He pretty much threatened me with more meds should I not be successful in getting the pounds off. In some ways, one could say that he was motivating, possibly a bit inspirational, but I still was leery about how successful I could be at this daunting task. I diligently ate my veg at every opportunity, opting for salads and steamed veg for dinners, stayed away from bread products, as well as pasta, and had a breakfast of some design every day. I drank water all day with a couple of herbal teas thrown in and limited my coffees to the weekends. I also limited most, I must be honest here, but not all of my wine to the weekends too and have found, as I posted previously, a new love for fizzy water, creating wine spritzers. This I thought was genius as I still get to enjoy my wine but I am literally cutting it in half with each glassful. I also am appreciating the vegetarian lifestyle a little more as I really do prefer veg and dip or salads for lunches, with an accompanying bit of cheese. I have also gone back to a childhood delicacy in sardines.....don't look at me like that and uncurl your lip! My mother introduced me to the delights of sardines when I was very young. She would make sandwiches of sardines and chili sauce. Yum. I prefer them straight out of the can, personally. Interesting that the "foodies" are all so enamoured with them now and their wonderfully nutritious qualities. Coco has introduced me to a rather odd but strangely yummy combination also: warm peanut butter with pea pods! I know, I thought that too! I think it is the savouriness (?) of the pb and the super sweetness of the pea pods that make such a lovely pairing. Deelish.
I really am lucky to have my cheerleaders cheering me on and continuing to encourage my smarter choices. PJ is benefiting from it all too; he is feeling much happier having his salads for lunches. And when he is shopping for the veg and fruit, he is very discriminating, looking for the best buys and freshest produce. He and Coco are shopping ninjas on Saturdays, armed with their flyers and ready with the items circled to ensure they get their price! Tee, of course is oblivious to it all and just eats whatever is in the house. Including his dad's no sugar fruit muffins and my low cal cereal. Brat!
So I have told you all this to say that I had good news at the doc's today! I have lost 8 1/2 pounds! Now, don't get too excited; I have a very, very long way to go. 8 1/2 pounds is a drop in the bucket compared to the 100 that I want to lose. The doc has given me a challenge of 25 off by June, so any ideas you want to share would be very much appreciated. Or you can just stay tuned for the next installment!
Love from Lulu xxxxxx
PS - I found an interesting website, that talks about eating healthy and seasonally. If you are interested, check it out.
I really am lucky to have my cheerleaders cheering me on and continuing to encourage my smarter choices. PJ is benefiting from it all too; he is feeling much happier having his salads for lunches. And when he is shopping for the veg and fruit, he is very discriminating, looking for the best buys and freshest produce. He and Coco are shopping ninjas on Saturdays, armed with their flyers and ready with the items circled to ensure they get their price! Tee, of course is oblivious to it all and just eats whatever is in the house. Including his dad's no sugar fruit muffins and my low cal cereal. Brat!
So I have told you all this to say that I had good news at the doc's today! I have lost 8 1/2 pounds! Now, don't get too excited; I have a very, very long way to go. 8 1/2 pounds is a drop in the bucket compared to the 100 that I want to lose. The doc has given me a challenge of 25 off by June, so any ideas you want to share would be very much appreciated. Or you can just stay tuned for the next installment!
Love from Lulu xxxxxx
PS - I found an interesting website, that talks about eating healthy and seasonally. If you are interested, check it out.
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Back to Normal.....Well, Sort of
Life in this household is back to as normal as it will ever be here. Tee has successfully come through his trauma and returned to work as of yesterday. His stitches are officially out now since he prodded and picked at them on Sunday. Oddly enough, he sustained very little swelling and managed to fend off any real pain due to his vigilant regimen of advils and percocets. Last night his biggest area of concern was his aching feet after standing all day!
Coco was over on Sunday doing laundry and testing out some "healthy" recipes that she found. We made chocolate muffins that were primarily rolled oats and applesauce - an interesting combination but they came out very moist and almost brownie-like. The chocolate was Fry's pure cocoa powder which was intensely choco! She also found a recipe for beet / carrot chips; not really successful but we will try to find another as the basic concept was tasty, they just didn't crisp up like a chip. Also a fruit based gelatin "candy", not unlike the various fruit strips commercially made. It started with strawberries and blueberries, cooked down and pureed then a horrific amount of gelatin (and whisking) added to create the wobbly treats. All in all, it was an experimental day, highs and lows, but I think we will continue to test out some more.
What's that you ask? How is my "healthy" eating going? Pretty good, actually. I am eating brekkie every morning and not just coffee! As a matter of fact, I have only had weekend coffees for about 3 weeks now. Through the week I drink herbal tea and have found a new love for fizzy water. I have it in a wine glass, for the sophistication factor. And speaking of wine, I am only indulging on weekends now and adding my fizzy water to make spritzers. I've all but negated grain products, except for my cereal, shunning breads and pastas. I have also been indulging in another fave, bean salads. I love chick peas and black beans and have been creating phenomenal salads with celery, cucumber, black olives, scallions and cherry tomatoes. I refuse to look at scales and rely on the "baggy" measurement theory: when the clothes get baggy, I have done good! LOL
PJ has been eating healthier too and has chosen to take salads and lean meat for lunches and it has apparently paid off. He was at the doctor's a week ago and has lost 10 lbs. He came home and joyfully announced it.
I am not speaking to him anymore.
Love from Lulu xxxx
Coco was over on Sunday doing laundry and testing out some "healthy" recipes that she found. We made chocolate muffins that were primarily rolled oats and applesauce - an interesting combination but they came out very moist and almost brownie-like. The chocolate was Fry's pure cocoa powder which was intensely choco! She also found a recipe for beet / carrot chips; not really successful but we will try to find another as the basic concept was tasty, they just didn't crisp up like a chip. Also a fruit based gelatin "candy", not unlike the various fruit strips commercially made. It started with strawberries and blueberries, cooked down and pureed then a horrific amount of gelatin (and whisking) added to create the wobbly treats. All in all, it was an experimental day, highs and lows, but I think we will continue to test out some more.
What's that you ask? How is my "healthy" eating going? Pretty good, actually. I am eating brekkie every morning and not just coffee! As a matter of fact, I have only had weekend coffees for about 3 weeks now. Through the week I drink herbal tea and have found a new love for fizzy water. I have it in a wine glass, for the sophistication factor. And speaking of wine, I am only indulging on weekends now and adding my fizzy water to make spritzers. I've all but negated grain products, except for my cereal, shunning breads and pastas. I have also been indulging in another fave, bean salads. I love chick peas and black beans and have been creating phenomenal salads with celery, cucumber, black olives, scallions and cherry tomatoes. I refuse to look at scales and rely on the "baggy" measurement theory: when the clothes get baggy, I have done good! LOL
PJ has been eating healthier too and has chosen to take salads and lean meat for lunches and it has apparently paid off. He was at the doctor's a week ago and has lost 10 lbs. He came home and joyfully announced it.
I am not speaking to him anymore.
Love from Lulu xxxx
Friday, 1 February 2013
Al Dente
Yesterday was the day for Tee's operation: the removal of the cursed wisdom teeth. He had been experiencing a lot of aggro and pain over the last month and went to see the dentist who declared that they must go. Tee had been prescribed an anti inflammatory and an antibiotic as well since one of the teeth was actually infected. With great trepidation, Tee went to see the maxilla-facial surgeon (the guy who rips them out) for a consultation. According to the surgeon, they were truly in need of removal, so a date was set. I would be the chauffeur as he would not be able to drive himself. We got ready and set off to the office for the appointed time.
Me: How are you feeling?
Tee: Nervous
Me: Don't worry; you will be fine.
T: I'm starving.
Since he has been working steadily, he has been eating at proper intervals and some improper intervals as well. Due to the anesthesia, he was not allowed anything to eat or drink after midnight the night before. This was not boding well with his tum, which made its protestations clear.
Anyway, we got to the office and waited a few moments before he was ushered in. The doctor, his nurses and the other staff were very sweet and welcoming to Tee who was still unnerved by the whole procedure. A few minutes (and I am guessing a few whiffs of laughing gas) later, I heard his familiar giggle and knew that all was ok. He told me afterwards that he was awake throughout although deeply frozen and high on the gas. With the procedure complete, the nurse invited me into the recovery room where he was still giggling. I asked him how he felt and through gauze stuffed teeth, he said, "Great!", while giving me the thumbs up. The nurse came back in to give him final instructions and check his mouth and his bp and pronounced him safe to go.
Needless to say, he slept all the way to the pharmacy then home. Once home he went to his room to relax. I went in a little later to discover him asleep, head slung forward in front of his tv. I convinced him to get up to change the gauze, which he did then back to his room again. As the day went on the bleeding eventually lessened and stopped altogether so no more gauze and we could actually understand what he was saying. LOL
2 things surprised me through this:
1. Tee is not swollen like a chipmunk even at Day 2 of this and
2. The surgeon actually called the house last night to see how he was doing.
Stay tuned, more to come!
Love from Lulu xxxxx
Me: How are you feeling?
Tee: Nervous
Me: Don't worry; you will be fine.
T: I'm starving.
Since he has been working steadily, he has been eating at proper intervals and some improper intervals as well. Due to the anesthesia, he was not allowed anything to eat or drink after midnight the night before. This was not boding well with his tum, which made its protestations clear.
Anyway, we got to the office and waited a few moments before he was ushered in. The doctor, his nurses and the other staff were very sweet and welcoming to Tee who was still unnerved by the whole procedure. A few minutes (and I am guessing a few whiffs of laughing gas) later, I heard his familiar giggle and knew that all was ok. He told me afterwards that he was awake throughout although deeply frozen and high on the gas. With the procedure complete, the nurse invited me into the recovery room where he was still giggling. I asked him how he felt and through gauze stuffed teeth, he said, "Great!", while giving me the thumbs up. The nurse came back in to give him final instructions and check his mouth and his bp and pronounced him safe to go.
Needless to say, he slept all the way to the pharmacy then home. Once home he went to his room to relax. I went in a little later to discover him asleep, head slung forward in front of his tv. I convinced him to get up to change the gauze, which he did then back to his room again. As the day went on the bleeding eventually lessened and stopped altogether so no more gauze and we could actually understand what he was saying. LOL
2 things surprised me through this:
1. Tee is not swollen like a chipmunk even at Day 2 of this and
2. The surgeon actually called the house last night to see how he was doing.
Stay tuned, more to come!
Love from Lulu xxxxx
Monday, 28 January 2013
Updates and Other Bits
A few things to talk about this morning.
As I mentioned before, Coco works at a local daycare and has been there for over 5 years. She has become very good friends with several of the girls there as well as the beautiful woman who cooks all the culinary delights for the children. This woman amazes me; she faithfully prepares wonderfully nutritious meals for all the children daily. Fresh, home made and really spanning the spectrum. Many children are so picky about food and yet she can create delicious dinners that they enjoy. Bravo, M, you are truly an earth mother! Anyway, having said that Coco tells me I have a bit of a cult following with the beauties that work with her. So I thought I would make mention of a few. T, who we fondly refer to as Barbie, is a gorgeous, tall blonde. She thinks that she is pretty tough but I just find her adorable. She and her man, C, have raised two fantastic kids who are sweet and loving and certainly make her proud as a mother every day. Another T, recently back from maternity leave, is another beautiful young woman who is thoughtful and kind and always has a smile for everyone. She and her man, C (I just realized that both couples have the same initials) are the proud parents of a beautiful little boy with the most piercing blue eyes. You just know that he is going to steal many little girl's hearts one day! Another girl who Coco has known for many years is A, yet another beauty at the daycare. A is happy and loving and sweet and I am always glad to see her. As with K, another young lady who is always happy and smiling and truly in her element working with the children. I really can't name everyone there and of course I will leave someone out, but Coco is fortunate to work with such lovely women and I appreciate that as well.
Tee is scheduled for his wisdom teeth extraction on the 31st. I will have to deliver him and pick him up as I am sure he will be hallucinating by the end of it all. Stay tuned in case I get any good video.
Work is going great as is my effort to appease the doc and try to eat healthy. I have recently been addicted to a wrap that is available at the sushi counter at the local grocery store. It consists of lettuce, cucumber, carrot, avocado and mango wrapped in rice paper with a dip. The dip may be a mustard base but is citrusy as well. So yummy. I have been successful in eating breakfast, lunch and dinners so far and have a piece of fruit in between. But it is early days, so I won't crow about successes until I see some. Actually, I must go eat breakfast now. Coco is monitoring this and has made it clear that I MUST eat within an hour of getting up. Oh, oh, it is an hour on the dot right now! Gotta run!
Love from Lulu xxxxx
As I mentioned before, Coco works at a local daycare and has been there for over 5 years. She has become very good friends with several of the girls there as well as the beautiful woman who cooks all the culinary delights for the children. This woman amazes me; she faithfully prepares wonderfully nutritious meals for all the children daily. Fresh, home made and really spanning the spectrum. Many children are so picky about food and yet she can create delicious dinners that they enjoy. Bravo, M, you are truly an earth mother! Anyway, having said that Coco tells me I have a bit of a cult following with the beauties that work with her. So I thought I would make mention of a few. T, who we fondly refer to as Barbie, is a gorgeous, tall blonde. She thinks that she is pretty tough but I just find her adorable. She and her man, C, have raised two fantastic kids who are sweet and loving and certainly make her proud as a mother every day. Another T, recently back from maternity leave, is another beautiful young woman who is thoughtful and kind and always has a smile for everyone. She and her man, C (I just realized that both couples have the same initials) are the proud parents of a beautiful little boy with the most piercing blue eyes. You just know that he is going to steal many little girl's hearts one day! Another girl who Coco has known for many years is A, yet another beauty at the daycare. A is happy and loving and sweet and I am always glad to see her. As with K, another young lady who is always happy and smiling and truly in her element working with the children. I really can't name everyone there and of course I will leave someone out, but Coco is fortunate to work with such lovely women and I appreciate that as well.
Tee is scheduled for his wisdom teeth extraction on the 31st. I will have to deliver him and pick him up as I am sure he will be hallucinating by the end of it all. Stay tuned in case I get any good video.
Work is going great as is my effort to appease the doc and try to eat healthy. I have recently been addicted to a wrap that is available at the sushi counter at the local grocery store. It consists of lettuce, cucumber, carrot, avocado and mango wrapped in rice paper with a dip. The dip may be a mustard base but is citrusy as well. So yummy. I have been successful in eating breakfast, lunch and dinners so far and have a piece of fruit in between. But it is early days, so I won't crow about successes until I see some. Actually, I must go eat breakfast now. Coco is monitoring this and has made it clear that I MUST eat within an hour of getting up. Oh, oh, it is an hour on the dot right now! Gotta run!
Love from Lulu xxxxx
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Push Has Come to Shove!
While waiting to see my doc to get my renewal for my prescriptions, his nurse, who I have known for many, many years came in the room to take my blood pressure. She used a machine that, once the arm band is strapped on, does the work itself. It also has a little digital read out that she and I were watching, half-heartedly, while chatting about the weather. In my opinion, the numbers did not seem excessive and after she left I continued to wait for the doc. When he came in the examining room, he exclaimed about the numbers, took his stethoscope from around his neck and immediately put the arm band on and took the bp the old fashioned way. He frowned and said that it was NOT GOOD! Hmmmm, here I am, minding my own business, waiting for my prescrip renewal and he starts talking about how he is forced to increase the bp meds or I must "get the pounds off"! WHAT???? I didn't think the numbers were that bad. NOPE, he says, and gives me his stern look.
Now, I know that I need to take off a few pounds, not new news to me. So I guess this will be the beginning of a new part of the blog, "What the hell will she eat today?" My newest life drama. I am terrible at planning and keeping track of what I should have eaten, what I did eat and how much, so this will be another full time project for me, unfortunately. I also am not a person who eats the way all the nutritionists prescribe, you know that whole breakfast, lunch and dinner thing. And nothing after 8 PM. Firstly, the only breakfast "food" that I really enjoy is coffee, usually more than 1. Secondly, if I am busy during the day, lunch could happen anywhere between 11 am and 3 pm; I don't necessarily feel obligated to stop everything at noon. Also, if I am having lunch at 3 pm, chances are that I will not be eating dinner at 5 or 6 and may be munching at 8 til possibly 10ish, if the mood strikes me. It seems that this behaviour is frowned upon by the "health and fitness" community.
But, I suppose I should at least give it the old college try, so I am enlisting PJ, Coco and Muffin to encourage, advise, help and generally put up with me for the next little while. I choose not to encumber Tee with this as he, although rather chubby as a teen, is a lean, mean, 165 lbs. at 6'1" in height and eats whenever and whatever he chooses then burns it all off at work. Good for him; he didn't get that trait from me. Coco, however, at 5'2" is very vigilant about eating healthy and is giving me lots of suggestions as well as being a cheerleader; bless her heart. Muffin is gluten allergic and vegetarian, so we share the virtues of vegetable based dishes and rice noodles. And of course, PJ is diabetic and is very watchful of all he eats. So I figure I have a pretty good team, but I guess we will see what happens. I may fall off the wagon tomorrow.
Love from Lulu xxx
Now, I know that I need to take off a few pounds, not new news to me. So I guess this will be the beginning of a new part of the blog, "What the hell will she eat today?" My newest life drama. I am terrible at planning and keeping track of what I should have eaten, what I did eat and how much, so this will be another full time project for me, unfortunately. I also am not a person who eats the way all the nutritionists prescribe, you know that whole breakfast, lunch and dinner thing. And nothing after 8 PM. Firstly, the only breakfast "food" that I really enjoy is coffee, usually more than 1. Secondly, if I am busy during the day, lunch could happen anywhere between 11 am and 3 pm; I don't necessarily feel obligated to stop everything at noon. Also, if I am having lunch at 3 pm, chances are that I will not be eating dinner at 5 or 6 and may be munching at 8 til possibly 10ish, if the mood strikes me. It seems that this behaviour is frowned upon by the "health and fitness" community.
But, I suppose I should at least give it the old college try, so I am enlisting PJ, Coco and Muffin to encourage, advise, help and generally put up with me for the next little while. I choose not to encumber Tee with this as he, although rather chubby as a teen, is a lean, mean, 165 lbs. at 6'1" in height and eats whenever and whatever he chooses then burns it all off at work. Good for him; he didn't get that trait from me. Coco, however, at 5'2" is very vigilant about eating healthy and is giving me lots of suggestions as well as being a cheerleader; bless her heart. Muffin is gluten allergic and vegetarian, so we share the virtues of vegetable based dishes and rice noodles. And of course, PJ is diabetic and is very watchful of all he eats. So I figure I have a pretty good team, but I guess we will see what happens. I may fall off the wagon tomorrow.
Love from Lulu xxx
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Internetitis..... the new flu!
I have not been posting of late due to my recent illness, Internetitis. You may have experienced it yourself. Symptoms include blogthargy, webseausness, googleizziness, as well as minor postingaches and surfingpains. Sadly the Internetitis started with blogthargy and googleizziness and just percolated from there, but I am feeling a little more with it today. It tends to be more active in January and February, thought to be caused, in part, by the post Christmas let down. Not to mention the influx of Christmas bills. I believe that those who take a shot of hot sandy beach in mid February do experience a little relief, although I have not tried that remedy.
Not much to talk about here other than KitBoo's abhorrence of the recent snow and windy weather we are having. The princess does not like her little toes to touch snow and has an internal fight every day on whether to risk going outside or not. She has her morning "constitutional" in my garden and it is not her preferred choice to have to use the litter box. We believe that she only goes outside to prove that she can dominate us and demand that we let her out. But when it is windy, she will stand at the door and think twice when it is opened. Snow, on the other hand, can be tolerated in very small amounts, if necessary. For example, when the door opens, there is a very small curb that separates the sliding door frame and the deck. This curb is covered by the deck overhang as well as being protected somewhat by the door frame, so it does not get as much, if any, snow on it, unless, of course, the wind is blowing it that way. This makes for a narrow little area that can be used for sitting and observing, until one has summoned enough courage to actually walk in the hated white stuff to get to the garden. Needless to say, patrolling the yard is completely out of the question in this weather. On occasion, I have been known to forget that the princess is outside and upon remembering and opening the door, I have been met with dirty looks and a few snotty rowrowrs accompanied with a tail flick for emphasis. Windy weather, however, is a different story. KitBoo will NOT suffer the wind blowing in her ears, in her face or up her butt. On the rare, summer day that it is particularly windy she may or may not tolerate it for the sake of the aforementioned "constitutional" or if her bird friends are about, but in winter this is never acceptable. One is bad enough but to have to endure the tag team of wind and snow is just all too much for the princess. Speaking of which, I think I have forgotten her outside again. Oh, dear!
Love from Lulu xxx
Not much to talk about here other than KitBoo's abhorrence of the recent snow and windy weather we are having. The princess does not like her little toes to touch snow and has an internal fight every day on whether to risk going outside or not. She has her morning "constitutional" in my garden and it is not her preferred choice to have to use the litter box. We believe that she only goes outside to prove that she can dominate us and demand that we let her out. But when it is windy, she will stand at the door and think twice when it is opened. Snow, on the other hand, can be tolerated in very small amounts, if necessary. For example, when the door opens, there is a very small curb that separates the sliding door frame and the deck. This curb is covered by the deck overhang as well as being protected somewhat by the door frame, so it does not get as much, if any, snow on it, unless, of course, the wind is blowing it that way. This makes for a narrow little area that can be used for sitting and observing, until one has summoned enough courage to actually walk in the hated white stuff to get to the garden. Needless to say, patrolling the yard is completely out of the question in this weather. On occasion, I have been known to forget that the princess is outside and upon remembering and opening the door, I have been met with dirty looks and a few snotty rowrowrs accompanied with a tail flick for emphasis. Windy weather, however, is a different story. KitBoo will NOT suffer the wind blowing in her ears, in her face or up her butt. On the rare, summer day that it is particularly windy she may or may not tolerate it for the sake of the aforementioned "constitutional" or if her bird friends are about, but in winter this is never acceptable. One is bad enough but to have to endure the tag team of wind and snow is just all too much for the princess. Speaking of which, I think I have forgotten her outside again. Oh, dear!
Love from Lulu xxx
Monday, 14 January 2013
Crisis Averted.......For Now
In keeping with my usual laziness, I did not complete the project that I shared with you and intended for the upcoming bday. Whilst talking to Muffin last week, we were discussing her birthday celebration plans. She informed me that she and Tee were attending another performance of their friends' band in Toronto then were meeting some other friends at another club. She also informed me that she and Tee were getting a hotel room downtown as well so as not to have to rely on a designated driver and so they could both enjoy a few celebratory drinks and taxi back and forth to the clubs and hotel. Both my kids are very much anti drinking and driving enthusiasts and Tee has made use of the Christmas season "Red Nose" services. I fully endorse this service and it has been functional in our area for a few years now. It is a group of volunteers who will come to wherever you are: club, party, whatever, and drive your car home for you. It is funded through donations made by the users and is not exclusive to those who have had a few too many drinks. It can also be used by folks who have worked too many hours and are just too tired to drive as well as those who have indulged in, shall we say, less than legal substances. The object of these organizations is to get you home safely with your vehicle and to keep dangerous drivers off the road. What is more commendable than that?
Anyway, getting back to the bday. PJ suggested that if they are getting a hotel room, perhaps a more practical gift might be some money toward that cost. I said, Brilliant thinking, old dear! Of course he did not know that I had still not even dug out the material for the gift I was intending! But there you have it. No fuss, no muss. PJ slipped Tee a few twenties and told him to treat Muffin to fun night. All was well with the partygoers. Coco also went to the celebrations and enjoyed a little sauciness while there. Apparently, an old friend of Tee's who moved to Toronto a few years ago was there with his new gf. He spotted Coco and immediately grabbed her face and kissed her. The gf was not happy about this and stormed off with Tee's friend running after her to explain who this cute little blonde was, I assume! HAHAHAHA Little does she know that Coco has known this boy since he was 16. If she had any interest in him, he would have known before now!
Love from Lulu xxx
Anyway, getting back to the bday. PJ suggested that if they are getting a hotel room, perhaps a more practical gift might be some money toward that cost. I said, Brilliant thinking, old dear! Of course he did not know that I had still not even dug out the material for the gift I was intending! But there you have it. No fuss, no muss. PJ slipped Tee a few twenties and told him to treat Muffin to fun night. All was well with the partygoers. Coco also went to the celebrations and enjoyed a little sauciness while there. Apparently, an old friend of Tee's who moved to Toronto a few years ago was there with his new gf. He spotted Coco and immediately grabbed her face and kissed her. The gf was not happy about this and stormed off with Tee's friend running after her to explain who this cute little blonde was, I assume! HAHAHAHA Little does she know that Coco has known this boy since he was 16. If she had any interest in him, he would have known before now!
Love from Lulu xxx
Saturday, 5 January 2013
Tick Tock
So, again, I am leaving everything to the last minute. Nothing new. I do it all the time. I still have not started "the project" and Muffin's bday is in 10 days! I am hoping to have a little time alone next week as she is starting her college courses and so will not be here as much. She does not live here but is here most evenings with Tee; not that I am complaining. I am crazy about Muffin; she is a smart and talented young woman and gorgeous to boot - she was a Miss Toronto contestant a couple of years ago. Anyway, I must get moving on it soon.
I also had another project that I wanted to sew as well. Our Christmas stockings are really lacking the Christmas spirit, what with being all ragged and torn up, so I was hoping to find some nice Christmas material after the new year on sale. I have not been to the local fabric shop yet and I really need to go or else everything will be sold out. I was thinking of a quilted fabric and maybe a nice furry trim. Even a plain red fabric would do. Then I can embroider the names on it.
I must also confess that I have not been doing any time on my treadmill either; I know you are disappointed; me too! I would like to get it moved upstairs again so that I can at least watch tv or a movie on my comp while walking. It is soooooo boring just looking at the wall.
PJ is still thinking about the whole retirement thing. He waffles daily and is especially keen right now as his warehouse is almost empty and he is contemplating having to go to another warehouse, which does NOT appeal since he has been virtually running this one. The company has several warehouses in relatively close proximity but only half are still union shops and PJ is a union member. So his choices are limited. But enough about that.
Poor Tee is looking at getting his wisdom teeth out, but I don't think he is too worried as he sees it as a week off work! Silly boy.
For those interested, the new job is going well. I am feeling a bit more confident each time and some of the things are really coming second nature already. Thank goodness. And my boss is the best, so patient. Who could ask for more?
Kitboo has been inside too much of late. It has been cold and windy and we got quite a bit of snow, so she is hesitant to go outside and if she does, it is only for a few minutes. Anyway, I think she has too much energy pent up from not patrolling the yard. Her new fave thing to do is to sit at the top of the stairs to the basement and jump out at me as I pass the staircase. She has done this a few times, little tart. She also likes me to run after her and will tear around the family room into the dining room, out to the hall and down the stairs like a mad thing. Then she will sit at the bottom of the stairs and meow to get my attention. She is almost as spoiled as my kids.
Love from Lulu xxx
I also had another project that I wanted to sew as well. Our Christmas stockings are really lacking the Christmas spirit, what with being all ragged and torn up, so I was hoping to find some nice Christmas material after the new year on sale. I have not been to the local fabric shop yet and I really need to go or else everything will be sold out. I was thinking of a quilted fabric and maybe a nice furry trim. Even a plain red fabric would do. Then I can embroider the names on it.
I must also confess that I have not been doing any time on my treadmill either; I know you are disappointed; me too! I would like to get it moved upstairs again so that I can at least watch tv or a movie on my comp while walking. It is soooooo boring just looking at the wall.
PJ is still thinking about the whole retirement thing. He waffles daily and is especially keen right now as his warehouse is almost empty and he is contemplating having to go to another warehouse, which does NOT appeal since he has been virtually running this one. The company has several warehouses in relatively close proximity but only half are still union shops and PJ is a union member. So his choices are limited. But enough about that.
Poor Tee is looking at getting his wisdom teeth out, but I don't think he is too worried as he sees it as a week off work! Silly boy.
For those interested, the new job is going well. I am feeling a bit more confident each time and some of the things are really coming second nature already. Thank goodness. And my boss is the best, so patient. Who could ask for more?
![]() |
Her Royal Highness, Princess Kitboo |
Love from Lulu xxx
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Hello 2013!
I was just reading some of the other blogs that I follow and saw that" Dani... Black Belt Stitching Wizard " has decided to publish her goals for the next year - what a brave girl! I shared one of my short term goals yesterday but have been having thoughts about some long term goals as well.
Eating Healthy: I normally am not much of a junk food person but every now and then I just can't live without something super salty, usually in the form of chips. PJ and I do not usually buy them as they are like poison to both of us. PJ has Type 2 Diabetes and prefers not to eat potatoes and limits his starch intake as well and I just have a giant ass.
Exercise: Hate it, but I do have a treadmill and I would like to use it more often, then I can do my fave exercise at the same time: watching tv!
Socializing: Now this is a bit of an issue. I LOVE a party, love the fun, love the drinks, love the food, love the bonfires. PJ, not so much. He sees it as a list of duties: cut the lawn, get the firepit ready, fill the tiki torches, man the bbq, police the drunks. But we do love to entertain in small groups and I talked about how much we love a good board game, so I think there is room for some give and take. Mostly PJ gives me the okay, and I take advantage!
Maintaining the House: Again, another little problem area. I want an extension on the deck this summer; PJ is considering finishing the basement. I will report any negotiations in either of these projects.
I would like the living room/dining room/front hall painted. PJ HATES painting.
PJ would like the bedroom re-arranged; I am okay with that but I am also thinking I would like a new upholstered headboard (we currently have a wrought iron). Again, I will report any negotiations on this front.
Vacation: Oh, this is a real thorny subject. Since my entire work schedule consists of 2 days a month, I am pretty much on vacay all summer. No problem. PJ, on the other hand, plans to take time off but then, whoopsy, it doesn't happen. Last summer's reasons: a new client was coming into the warehouse (he does not own the business, but you would think he does!), his girl in the office wanted "that" week off and since she has grandkids, he thought it was a nice thing to do (I agreed with that one, btw), his mate in the warehouse wanted "that" week off and since he has grandkids, he thought it was a nice thing to do (again, I have to say I agreed with that; his mate is a great guy and they have worked together for 30+ years), there were ongoing electrical issues in the building, another new client, and on and on. Needless to say, it suddenly became September then October. Now he still has 2 weeks from 2012 and will get another 5 in April for 2013! Trust me, this summer, things will be different!
Hope you all help me with these items now that I have bared my soul. Or just keep reading to see how it all works out!
Love from Lulu xxxx
Eating Healthy: I normally am not much of a junk food person but every now and then I just can't live without something super salty, usually in the form of chips. PJ and I do not usually buy them as they are like poison to both of us. PJ has Type 2 Diabetes and prefers not to eat potatoes and limits his starch intake as well and I just have a giant ass.
Exercise: Hate it, but I do have a treadmill and I would like to use it more often, then I can do my fave exercise at the same time: watching tv!
Socializing: Now this is a bit of an issue. I LOVE a party, love the fun, love the drinks, love the food, love the bonfires. PJ, not so much. He sees it as a list of duties: cut the lawn, get the firepit ready, fill the tiki torches, man the bbq, police the drunks. But we do love to entertain in small groups and I talked about how much we love a good board game, so I think there is room for some give and take. Mostly PJ gives me the okay, and I take advantage!
Maintaining the House: Again, another little problem area. I want an extension on the deck this summer; PJ is considering finishing the basement. I will report any negotiations in either of these projects.
I would like the living room/dining room/front hall painted. PJ HATES painting.
PJ would like the bedroom re-arranged; I am okay with that but I am also thinking I would like a new upholstered headboard (we currently have a wrought iron). Again, I will report any negotiations on this front.
Vacation: Oh, this is a real thorny subject. Since my entire work schedule consists of 2 days a month, I am pretty much on vacay all summer. No problem. PJ, on the other hand, plans to take time off but then, whoopsy, it doesn't happen. Last summer's reasons: a new client was coming into the warehouse (he does not own the business, but you would think he does!), his girl in the office wanted "that" week off and since she has grandkids, he thought it was a nice thing to do (I agreed with that one, btw), his mate in the warehouse wanted "that" week off and since he has grandkids, he thought it was a nice thing to do (again, I have to say I agreed with that; his mate is a great guy and they have worked together for 30+ years), there were ongoing electrical issues in the building, another new client, and on and on. Needless to say, it suddenly became September then October. Now he still has 2 weeks from 2012 and will get another 5 in April for 2013! Trust me, this summer, things will be different!
Hope you all help me with these items now that I have bared my soul. Or just keep reading to see how it all works out!
Love from Lulu xxxx
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
A New Beginning
So, we are into the beginning of a new year again. What will this year bring? For those who choose to make resolutions, I wish the best of luck. I can never keep mine, so why bother? I would like to improve many things in my life; my diet, my leisure time, my exercise regime. It always seems to go swimmingly for the first 2 weeks of January, then the wheels fall off and I end up in the ditch. Maybe this year will be different. Maybe pigs will fly too!
I have a deadline to meet within the next 2 weeks to find something for Muffin for her bday. She has very cosmopolitan tastes, but she loves the 70's hippie style. Incredibly, I found an old paint sheet that PJ had used but was not really messed up with spots and splatters. It was a bedsheet that we had from our first years together and must be at least 35 years old. As well worn as it was in the centre, the edges were still pristine. I am sure I have enough to make a pair of bolster style pillows for Muffin that I know she will love. I just have to get on it. I used to sew many years ago and the actually sewing is very straightforward and simple; it is just getting started. I also found a very cute pattern on Pinterest that I bookmarked. Motivation is the problem. Maybe if I get all hopped up on coffee, I will be inspired. LOL
Muffin's parents stopped last Friday night for an evening. They are truly lovely people and Tee is a very lucky boy. They like him very much and support Muffin's choice of him. I had bought a board game for everyone for Christmas so we busted it out and had a great night, great laughs and a few drinks and snackies! We also found out that they, too, used to play one of our fave card games, Rummoli. Perhaps the loudest board game that we play, participants have been known to lose their minds over a few pennies in the pot! Peals of screams and laughter seem to emanate from this old game and everyone that we have played with is immediately addicted. There is never a dull moment and the more players there are, the more cut throat it becomes. But all in jest. Even though we play with money, you probably can't lose more than a few dollars for an evenings play. It is just the competition of trying to get all your cards played. I highly recommend this game for a cheap and fun evening and it is so easy to learn that even the kids can play too.
So now that I have confessed my sewing project to you, I guess I really must begin. I will let you know how it goes, just don't hold your breath.
Thanks to all of you who are accompanying me through this blog project. My life is very ordinary and I appreciate your kindness. I would like to start posting some pics as well so I will have to learn how. Until the next time!
Love from Lulu xxx
I have a deadline to meet within the next 2 weeks to find something for Muffin for her bday. She has very cosmopolitan tastes, but she loves the 70's hippie style. Incredibly, I found an old paint sheet that PJ had used but was not really messed up with spots and splatters. It was a bedsheet that we had from our first years together and must be at least 35 years old. As well worn as it was in the centre, the edges were still pristine. I am sure I have enough to make a pair of bolster style pillows for Muffin that I know she will love. I just have to get on it. I used to sew many years ago and the actually sewing is very straightforward and simple; it is just getting started. I also found a very cute pattern on Pinterest that I bookmarked. Motivation is the problem. Maybe if I get all hopped up on coffee, I will be inspired. LOL
Muffin's parents stopped last Friday night for an evening. They are truly lovely people and Tee is a very lucky boy. They like him very much and support Muffin's choice of him. I had bought a board game for everyone for Christmas so we busted it out and had a great night, great laughs and a few drinks and snackies! We also found out that they, too, used to play one of our fave card games, Rummoli. Perhaps the loudest board game that we play, participants have been known to lose their minds over a few pennies in the pot! Peals of screams and laughter seem to emanate from this old game and everyone that we have played with is immediately addicted. There is never a dull moment and the more players there are, the more cut throat it becomes. But all in jest. Even though we play with money, you probably can't lose more than a few dollars for an evenings play. It is just the competition of trying to get all your cards played. I highly recommend this game for a cheap and fun evening and it is so easy to learn that even the kids can play too.
So now that I have confessed my sewing project to you, I guess I really must begin. I will let you know how it goes, just don't hold your breath.
Thanks to all of you who are accompanying me through this blog project. My life is very ordinary and I appreciate your kindness. I would like to start posting some pics as well so I will have to learn how. Until the next time!
Love from Lulu xxx
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